Poetry & Blog posts worth reading.

Poetry is soothing to the soul. It reaches deep within us to prompt thought, reflection, and many emotions. Succinctly said and wonderful to read. I hope you enjoy my attempt at this age-old device of written thought.

“Bear Tooth in the Sky” – written in 1996 it is reflection of my love of friends and the land of Montana. It was reviewed recently on YouTube. Watch the review here at marker 21:06. Enjoy. 

“On My Wings” – written in 2006, speaks of the need to be free without concern about what others may think of you. To read more, please click here.

“The Rain” – written during the events of November 11, 2001, known as 9/11, and featured on the 9/11 Memorial Museum website. This event affected me tremendously, and I was moved to write my feelings. Visceral in nature, you can read it by clicking here.

“The Heir” – written in 2021 and featured on the 9/11 Memorial Museum website. I was struck by the social unrest and events that culminated at the time of this writing. I wanted to express the patriotism most might feel about their country. For me, this is mine. To read more, please click here.

“What It Takes” – written in 2020, is a testament to the courage it takes to write in our world today. It also speaks to the perseverance we need to move forward and trust that the words we write will resonate. To read more, please click here.

“Lay Your Heavy Burdens”  – written in 2020 about the loss of a beloved nephew. In 2022 it was published in The Bourbon County Citizen, which is distributed to the cities and towns in the Bourbon County area. To read more, please click here.

“Make It Stop” – written in 2005, it doesn’t mince words about domestic abuse. It’s raw. It’s real. Read it here.

“Gaining from Tribulations” – written in 2022, is a testament to perseverance through the many things life can throw at you. To read this reflective prose, please click here.

“Seasons” is a provocative poem meant to have us contemplate the meaning of life and how we’ve lived it, especially as we come to the end of our season. If you would like to read more, please click here.  

“Loss of a Friend” In tribute to those we’ve lost along the way. Life’s journey is hard. Never forget those we’ve loved and lost.  If you would like to read more, please click here. 


Blog Posts are written monthly and provide my take on the latest in current events. These are my perspective, musing and funny takes on life. I hope you enjoy them.

“A Road Awakening” Here are my observances while on the road to do book signings.  You can read about the epiphany I had during this trip by clicking here

“Artificial Intelligence for writing? I can’t…” Want to read what I have to say about AI and its impact on our lives and writing? Click here

“An Unconventional Metaphor” This is my most popular post. Please read what I have to say about everyday joys and pleasures of life here.

“Arrested  Development” – written in the new year of 2023, I posit the question: A we still “who we were when?” You can read my thoughts on this by clicking here.

“Changing Seasons”  signify so much. Not only does it represent our changing climate, but also the time of our lives as it comes to a close. However, I love winter and the cold the season brings. To read my thought on the concept of this change in season, click here.

“Writing World” – I wrote this post on the writing process to express the solitude the profession can bring and the joys. To read more, please click here.

“A Writer’s Quest for Sleep” – So many sleepless nights! So much to consider. The ideas roll through my head, and sleep is very elusive. Here are my thoughts on sleep. To read more, please click here.

“How Interesting…” – How interesting are you? Ever ask yourself this question? Better yet, ever wonder what interest you? Please read what I think about this by clicking here.

“Simply Thankful” is a thank you for life’s blessings. Please read it here.

“The Trials of Tribulation” and the courage to persevere are lost art of endurance. Please read what I have to say about it here.

“The Other N-word=Narcissism” Some words seep into our everyday lexicon, but this one word has run amuck. Please read what I have to say about this trend in self-diagnosis here.

“Your Voice” – How do you use your voice? It’s a vital instrument that can be used in various ways through writing, speech, or actions. Read my thoughts here.

“Children in Harms Way” – Going to school to learn the three Rs is not what it used to be. It can be a very dangerous place. Read my thoughts here.

“The Slap Heard Round the World.” Are the actions of one celebrity on the world stage indicative of how far we’ve sunk in how we treat each other and handle our differences. Please read what I have to say about it here.


Whatever Happened To is a series of blog posts that give my take on how life used to be with standards that hold today. I often wonder if “change” is done for the sake of change or if it’s better or worse in the end. I remember and wonder about how it was and could be again.

“Whatever happened to: Sunday Dinners at Grandma’s?” This is one of my favorite posts and one I’ve reposted every Thanksgiving. I hope you appreciate my recollection of a special dinner with an extraordinary lady – my grandma. Please read it here.

“Whatever happened to: So what?” Whatever happened to letting things, slights, insensitive words, or actions roll off our backs, huh? Please read what I think about that here.

“Whatever happened to: Belleview?” This is a serious post on what has happened to our mental illness services and hospitals, which is so much needed today. Please read what I have to say about it here.

“Whatever Happened to: Diaries?” – I remember my first diary. This sparked my interest in writing, and I haven’t stopped since. Is social media replacing this lost art of writing? Please read what I think here.

“Whatever Happened to: NO!” – We need to say this more often – to a lot of things. Please read what I have to say about this here.

“Whatever Happened to: Blue Jeans and T-shirts?” An observation about our morals or lack thereof. Anyway, please read what I have to say about it here.

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